
Nature-rich pleasures

Honest natural cuisine

Regionality, sustainability, fair trade, as well as organic and ecologically oriented agriculture, plus trust into our partners play a crucial role role in our nature-loving hotel. Package-free breakfast and salad buffet show that we are nature-serious.

100% responsibility in what we do.

  • Package-free produce from the Fuchs butchery in Koppl & local agriculure
  • local beef & pork
  • venison from the close-by mountain (Rannberg)
  • fish sourced from the Hintersee and Fuschlsee
  • fresh and organic milk from the Salzburg Land area
  • organic eggs from Annaberg
  • mushrooms, berries, and herbs hand-picked in our local forrests

Naturküche Öffnungszeiten

Enjoy our natural cuisine
from 11.45am – 8.30pm.
Breakfast from 7.30 – 10.00am.
Ask us to book a table.
Friday to Sunday (a la carte restaurant).

Traditional delicacies

What comes out of the pots usually says a lot about the people and their culture. We invite you to get to know our homeland in the most beautiful way: food. Our chefs are truly wonderful and you will see, the palate speaks for itself.

made with passion by GO.WEST GO.WEST Communications GmbH